Geosciences Consultants in Petroleum Systems Assessment and Geological Carbon Storage
Links of Interest
Technical Alliances
Yet2Find, llc is continuously developing technical alliances with other groups to enhance the solutions we can provide to the oil industry.
Reservoir Management
This is a join effort with Wise Oil Group to provide solutions to optimize reservoir management, increase production and enhance profitability with a better reservoir management and evaluation of petroleum investment opportunities.
Chemostratigraphy in Unconventional Plays
Yet2Find is forming an alliance with Dr. Henry Briceño to support all projects related to chemostratigraphy in petroleum systems.
You can view Dr. Briceño's Bio at and some of his work in chemostratigraphy at
Technical Overview of Tampico-Misantla
Yet2Find,llc joined efforts with Atlantes Geoconsulting, llc to provide a comprehensive, integrated study of unconventional play in the Tampico-Misantla basin.
Petroleum Systems Analysis Group
This is a professional group in LinkedIn
"A global network of people interested in all aspects of petroleum system analysis such as stratigraphy, structural evolution, compaction, rock and fluid properties, diagenesis, exploration and reservoir geochemistry, heat flow, rifting, hydrocarbon migration and mixing etc"
You can follow these interesting discussions here
The group also promotes a series of webinars, you can revise them in their you tube channel
Bicycle to eliminate Multiple Sclerosis
I have been riding my bicycle from Houston to Austin every year since 2010 to support the Multiple Sclerosis Society.
Every year I have the opportunity to meet people with MS and their amazing stories of life improvements thanks to the efforts of the MS Society to help develop new medications and the direct help to improve lifestyles of the people is encouraging enough to continue this effort.
Every dollar raised helps fund critical research and services for people affected by MS, use this link to my donors page.
Geochemistry and Petroleum
Asset Life
Dr. Louis Elrod prepared a very good essay on the impact of Geochemistry in the life of any petroleum asset.
I do not plan to recreate the wheel therefore the link to his informative page on the Intertek web site is:
Petroleum Geochemistry services play an important role in Hydrocarbon Asset Life
If you like Jazz visit Guillem Callejon web page at
Something interesting this week
Natural Fractures Add Little to Shale Gas Reservoir Productivity
Natural fractures are widely and intuitively believed to enhance the productivity of shale gas reservoirs significantly. Speaking to the SPE Gulf Coast Section Westside Group in Houston, SPE Distinguished Lecturer Ian Walton presented findings from his use of a semi-analytic shale gas production model, which shows that natural fractures add little to reservoir productivity. Their presence may actually be detrimental, he argued, because they are prone to fluid leakoff that limits outward extension growth of the main hydraulic fractures...
updated August 16, 2017
Leading your Retirement: The Foundation
The thought of retiring brings, for many of us, an instant feeling of hope, relaxation, and fulfillment. For others, there is an accompanying sense of anxiety, confusion, and even fear. And then there are those who simply have not paid too much attention to the prospect of leaving the full-time workplace. And they are ok with it.
Why do we have different perceptions of retirement, if this is a ‘natural’ stage in our later lives? Why is it that some individuals are able to retire ‘early’, while others seemingly never do so?
The answer is actually very simple. Some people have proactively planned their retirement all their lives. They CHOSE how, when, and where to retire. They lead their energy and consciousness towards that goal.
This article provides the foundation for an educational series I have entitled ‘Leading your Retirement’, which is in part based on my free guide ‘The Top Five Strategies to Kickstart your Retirement’, but is also inspired from the Energy Leadership process introduced by Dr. Bruce D. Schneider in the late 1990s.
In coming up with the title of the series, I considered being more specific about ‘where’ to lead your retirement. In reality, that is not the intention, because only YOU can determine the next stage of your journey. This is a self-discovery process.
Your Level of Engagement
How engaged you are in preparing for your transition into retirement will determine your degree of success in doing so. Your level of engagement controls your awareness and provides you with choice. This is where you manifest your intention to do something about your retirement.
At one end of the scale of engagement, you have no power (or you think you don’t have any) or choice. Your attitude may be, “Why bother? It is too late for me to prepare for retirement”. At the opposite end of the scale, you have high power and total choice. You do things because you CHOOSE to do them and therefore have control on the outcome. Having and executing an updated financial plan is a good example of being fully engaged.
I urge to continue reading if you fall under the category of not having any interest or engagement in planning for your retirement, because maybe the reason is that you don’t know where to begin.
Getting Started: The Top Five Strategies
My free guide ‘The Top Five Strategies to Kickstart your Retirement’ provides a simplified introduction to the retirement process, regardless of where you are in life. These strategies are:
(1) Assess the CURRENT level of satisfaction you have in the key aspects of your life, that could impact how you want to retire;
(2) Create your own definition of retirement, and connect with your goals or intentions;
(3) Check your goals against your core values;
(4) Visualize your retirement and identify challenges and inner blocks; and
(5) Make an inventory of your ‘soft’ or ‘dormant’ skills.
I have designed these strategies to be followed in the order given, but you may begin with any of them. During the next few weeks I will be expanding on them and provide practical examples and applications.
As you follow these strategies, pay attention to your thoughts and feelings, and to the energy or power behind them. Are you stressed out as a result of this exercise? Or, are you motivated and inspired? How you think and feel depends on your current energetic ‘makeup’.
Leading your Retirement: An Energetic Frame of Reference
The energy, power, or potential you have to accomplish anything in life is always available to you. It is within and around you. That same power that has driven you to where you are right now, is what will LEAD YOU into your retirement, or into whatever it is that you CHOOSE to do after you leave the full-time workforce.
This energy may be catabolic – that is, draining, resisting, and destructive (but sometimes necessary), or anabolic – which is healing, building, creative, expanding, and constructive. The sum total of these types of energy constitutes our energetic makeup.
There are SEVEN LEVELS in which this energy or power is manifested. Each one of these levels is characterized by a core thought, emotion, and action or result. The following is a highly condensed description of the actions or results produced when one resonates with each level of energy at any given moment.
LEVEL 1 results in lethargy or avoidance, while LEVEL 2 manifests in us as defiance. Both levels consist of catabolic energy.
LEVEL 3 results in compromise, whereas LEVEL 4 leads to service. These are moderately anabolic energy levels.
LEVEL 5 is highly anabolic, and its core action is acceptance. It is manifested as opportunity.
LEVEL 6 consists of high to very-high anabolic energy which leads to wisdom and empathy. LEVEL 7 is the highest anabolic energy, resulting in creation and spiritual realization.
These levels of energy and their relationship to how we perceive, and ultimately envision, our retirement, will be addressed in detail in future publications of this series.
Your Vision and Itinerary
The ultimate intent of this series of articles is to arm you with the awareness of how, when, and where to retire or to transition into that next stage in your life; to help you attain clarity in your VISION and to provide you with tools that will empower you to LEAD your retirement.
Before you embark on your journey to those New Shores of your life, you need a detailed itinerary which includes ways to mitigate deviations and to resolve any obstacles.
May your vision be clear and your journey smooth and joyful.
Happy reading!