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Geosciences Consultants in Petroleum Systems Assessment and Geological Carbon Storage
Rock physicists step out of the well location, meet geophysicists and geologists to add value in exploration analysis
Ivar Brevik, Angel Callejon, Peter Kahn, Peter Janak and Daniel Ebrom
A primary task for a petroleum rock physicist is to link geological and geophysical interpretation practices and culture in such a way that they can be understood and applied in exploration and production of oil and gas. Specifically, this task asks for relations between key properties of the fluid-saturated rocks located in situ and quantities extracted from seismic and electromagnetic data. In spite of the hard work needed to establish a proper characterization of such relations, they are of limited if not insignificant value in exploration (out of the well location) if not adapted to key elements of geological processes and obtainable seismic and electromagnetic properties.
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